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For New/Returning Students/Employees to Help Ensure Success with Technology

  1. If you have any problems below, please email, call, or text our Service Desk ( or 207-859-1204).

  2. New students/employees: You may have recently received an email with your username, email address, and initial password.
    (with the subject line: "(Name), Your new Thomas College computer account has been created. Please read and keep this message.")
    If needed, please check your junk and deleted items folders and search for the text in the subject line (above). If you cannot find it, we can create and send you another one.

  3. If you haven't changed your password to something only you know, use the Office 365 self-service password reset function. Add an alternate contact method for self service password reset here. Then, change your password here following the criteria here. (NOTE: After changing your password in the cloud, it will take up to 15 minutes before it is changed on our local system for steps 5 and 6 below.)

  4. Change your Office 365 multi-factor authentication (MFA) additional contact options here.

  5. Read/accept the AUP in MyThomas for Students or MyThomas for Faculty/Staff .

  6. Configure device(s) ( and password required.)

  7. Watch IT Orientation Videos for Students and Faculty/Staff ( and password required.)